Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Long Time Gone

I haven't been on here since my last post because I've been so busy. It's funny because I just finished reading my last posts and I think of how ironic they are. Recently I had just quit at Salon Success Academy, cosmetology school, it was about a week ago. I was so excited and suprised I had been accepted. About four months into it, I was noticing all the bullshit that goes on around there, ex: stuck up students, perverted customers, instructors who don't stand up for themselves, and most importantly a boss who goes on myspace during work but yet she only cares about money. So by the middle of the fifth month, I dropped, "EPIC FAIL" is what you can call it. But there were some perks by being at SSA, the girls that I got to know and love there, I will miss them dearly. The two that stood out the most to me, Gabby who is so beautiful and unique I love her presence and she was there when I needed her the most; Ingrid ha oh how I love her bubbliness and smile, she never ceases to make me laugh with the sound of her own. I've grown to love and respect them both. Though my heart is still into this profession, it's just not the right time or place in my life, struggling to keep up with school work, friends and family life. Then on top of that I'm trying to find a job. I don't even drive yet, this is redicule. To get you caught up (if your interested) I'll post my little big adventures in the next blog...

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