Because the world is round it turns me on,
Because the world is round.
Because the wind is high it blows my mind, Because the wind is high.
Love is old, love is new,
Love is all, love is you.
Because the sky is blue, it makes me cry,
Because the sky is blue."
I decided I'm going to buy a camera with my paycheck. You know how they say that one moment can change a lifetime? Well maybe, just maybe I'll be able to capture that moment at least once. There are certain career choices that I've had in mind for a while:
1) Cosmetologist
2) Artist
3) Photographer
4) Fashion Designer
5) Tattoo Artist
6) Pediatrician
7) Veterinarian
They basically all have something to do with art. Except for career choices numbers 6 and 7, but that's a different story. If i accomplish just one, will be satisfying. Accomplishing two will bring me joy. Accomplishing three or more will put the happy in my ness.

Well let me just start out by saying that after reading liz's blog (http://lizalvarezz.blogspot.com/), who writes with such, how should i put it, wisdom, (haha sorry, I'm a goober) she inspired me to start my own blog. Hopefully i keep this up on a daily basis.
Lets just say that since school has been out and summer has started, i've been grounded and i miss all of my friends terribly. Its funny though, because there hasn't been one day of this summer where i haven't been busy. As of June 1st I am a proud new aunt of twins Jayda and Jordyn. They are so adorable, from the moment i saw them, i swear i fell in love all over again. Yesterday grades came in the mail, I could honestly say that I was actually happy with them for the first time in about 4 years, no less than a B-. I think my dad has had it with me though, he had no care in the world when he saw my grades, not even a smile. I guess he meant it the other day when he said he didnt want anything to do with me. We hardly talk, its more of a here and there hi/bye, whats the use? I think we just do it to keep other family members happy. We got into a huge argument the other day and he told me if I didnt want to live at home then i should just leave, and to not come back, along with "and I'm not sorry for things in the past", only a coward could say those words and not live up to his mistakes. But the thing is, I dont live in a home, I live in a house. I'm worndering if I should take that option he has given me. Now its time to go get ready for work, yeah i know, me working? Someone should get this on camera.